The Relational Foundations course will bring a renewed relevance in both personal lives and ministries.

Relational Foundations is an eight-week course facilitated by {Name} beginning on {Day}, {Date}, {Year}, at {Time}. This course will cover:

  • Renew our relevance in both our personal lives and ministries
  • Reevaluate some of the elements of Christian theology - Including Christology, hermeneutics, anthropology, ecclesiology, and apologetics
  • Offer insights into the heart of God and the relational nature of the Christian faith.

Each of the eight-weeks of the resource is structured the same. Between sessions, participants are encouraged to utilize the eight-weeks resource as follows:

  • Set aside time each week to read the chapter and work through the Experiential Exercises.
  • If you are working through this resource with a friend or ministry partner, we urge you to make time each week to work through and discuss the exercises.
  • If you are working through this resource with a small group, we urge you to make it a priority to attend each small group session.
Experiencing Relevance in Life and Ministry

God wants to bring us back to the principles of the Great Commandment: loving Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and loving our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Loving the Real God: Our Foundation of Christology

Our view of God impacts every aspect of our Christian faith. Every part of our spiritual journey is either hindered or empowered by our view of Him.

The Forgotten Purpose of Truth: Our Foundation of Biblical Hermeneutics

God has given us His Word in order that we will know what to believe and how to behave, and so that we might come to more deeply love the One who wrote it.

Seeing People as Needing Both God and Others: Our Foundation of Anthropology, Part 1

Life and ministry relevance is only possible when we are able to see people the way God sees them— as both fallen and alone.

Seeing People as Both Fallen and Alone: Our Foundation of Anthropology, Part 2

Relevant, relational ministry requires ministering to a person’s aloneness first, in order to provide a relational context for addressing that person’s fallenness.

Rediscovering Church: Our Foundation of Ecclesiology

We are not just separate persons embracing a common faith. We are members of one body, connected by one Spirit and saved by one Lord.

Imparting Not Only the Gospel, but Our Very Lives: Our Foundation of Apologetics

The loss of relevance the church has experienced as we have tried to share our faith is largely due to our inability to sense the critical connection between the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

Relational Foundations in Ministry

Mature followers of Christ will undertake ministry to Jesus, the ministry of His Word, the ministry of His love toward others, and the ministry of reconciliation.
